It's given me the opportunity to speak with a professional when needed, helped provide resources that have helped my life succeed while in the program, by meeting my needs in all aspects.
Glenda J.
I have my job, my back child support has been paid off and this program has shown me a better way of life.
Jason R.
Drug court gave me a blueprint and motivated me to restart my life by teaching me accountability, leadership, and self-respect. I learned to love myself and to help others. I own my own drywall company and have employees. My kids are back in my life. My daughter just graduated college and lives with me fulltime. I have had an amazing relationship with my partner for 6 Years and I’m getting married in a year! I never thought all this would be possible!
Michael M.
I would not have my job or my license and I would not have my self-worth. I have so much more now with loving myself and none of this would have been possible without getting clean.
Deana O.
Established in 1994 in cooperation with the Pierce County Superior Court, County Prosecutor, and the Department of Assigned Counsel, PCA provides a traditional, adult drug court program for all eligible offenders.
The treatment regimen incorporates current, evidence-based practices to include trauma informed care, moral reconation therapy (MRT), relapse prevention, life skills, as well as mental health treatment as needed.
Treatment lasts at least one year but more commonly, participants need a year and a half to complete the program successfully. Interested persons should seek further information through their defense counsel.
Persons who qualify for deferred prosecution by Pierce County Courts can receive treatment services through the Pierce County Alliance Adult Outpatient Treatment Program (AOP).
The Family Recovery Court works with families with dependency filings in Pierce County where the children are under the purview of the state because of their parent’s substance use disorder. The primary program goal is to attain family reunification by getting the parent through treatment, into recovery, and able to support a functional family in a healthy and nurturing environment.
Besides providing substance use disorder and mental health treatment services, the program provides monitored visitation, assistance with shelter and transportation, and parental skills training.
Persons on probation can receive treatment services through the Pierce County Alliance Adult Outpatient Treatment Program (AOP).
Medication assisted treatment (MAT) is integral to PCA’s treatment programs that help to reduce drug cravings and improve treatment outcomes for those persons with an opioid use disorder.
Medication for opioid use disorder is a long-standing, evidence-based practice and medical professionals are on-site at PCA 6-days a week to administer the MAT medications.
The Pierce County Alliance’s adult outpatient treatment program provides substance abuse treatment services to include intensive outpatient treatment. Licensed substance abuse treatment professionals conduct comprehensive assessments and develop an individualized service plan with each client.
Mental health therapy is also available as is medication-assisted treatment (MAT) where appropriate. The program will assist enrollees in obtaining supportive and ancillary services, to include access to housing and medical needs as well as referral to education and job-training services.
Treatment duration is individualized within state requirements but normally lasts 16-18 months depending on the individual’s needs and progress. No one is refused for inability to pay and, in most cases, costs are covered by Medicaid or other insurance.
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Licensed mental health therapists provide mental health assessments and individual and group counseling for clients with co-occurring or mental health disorders.
All counselor staff have received training on trauma-informed care and are adept at addressing issues that arise from adverse childhood experiences and other traumas.
PCA provides an in-jail SUD treatment program which includes individual assessments as well as individual and group therapy that is fully compliant with state requirements for outpatient and intensive outpatient treatment. Individuals may also access medication assisted treatment (MAT) services at PCA’s site following their release from jail.
The Alternative to Confinement program provides case management and monitoring services for offenders as an alternative of confinement where the court has authorized the individual’s release.
ATC provides drug and alcohol assessments, referral to treatment and other support services as needed, as well as day reporting.
Pierce County Alliance provides screening, assessment and treatment services (Levels I and II only) and referrals to perpetrators of intimate partner violence seeking services, whether voluntarily or under the order of a court in the State of Washington. Referrals are accepted from courts, attorneys and behavioral health clinicians.
The DVIT program is fully certified by the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services.
The AOT program is designed to motivate adults who have untreated substance use disorder and/or mental health issues and who have been directed to treatment under a civil court order. AOT coordinators help ensure that clients meet their treatment obligations and are able to access the supportive and ancillary services as needed to ultimately graduate from treatment and pursue a fulfilling, self-sufficient lifestyle.
Referrals are accepted from treatment providers, attorneys, family members and concerned community members.